Chaz Bono and the Rapture

The Bilerico Project has a new look, and I have some new articles out!

Reluctance About Chaz Bono,” explores Bono’s recent media bubble, and received a lot of attention, with over 2,000 hits and over 50 comments!

And in honor of the rapture that wasn’t, “Let’s Celebrate Non-Judgment Day“! Or at the very least, let’s watch the Blondie video for “Rapture.” “Don’t stop, do punk rock!”

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Chrissy Lee Polis, Queer Community and Other Recent Writing

April has brought a hint of spring, a lot of rain, and a number of new articles up on the Bilerico Project!

My most recent piece, “Chrissy Lee Polis: The New Kitty Genovese?” has gotten over 2,000 hits and many thought-provoking comments.

Other articles include “Building Queer Community” (or, The Queer Migration Myth, Redux), a follow-up to my post on the “Great Queer Migration Myth”, as well as “Vote for the Old Guys in the Muppet Balcony,” about the role of Muppeteer Richard Hunt’s characters in an unnervingly neck-and-neck fan competition.

Happy reading!

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Two Easy Pieces

Check out my new Bilerico Project post on the hundredth anniversary of the Triangle Fire, as well as my review of Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage in the new Spring/Summer 2011 issue of make/shift magazine!

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Who Was Richard Hunt?

Many of Richard Hunt’s Muppet characters are household names: Beaker, Scooter, Janice. Statler and Waldorf. Hunt even played Miss Piggy for a season of The Muppet Show, Elmo for a year on Sesame Street. So why is his name not more well-known?

Though many people may not know Richard Hunt’s name, they already know his spirit – for so much of his spirit is present in the work.

I recently wrote a thumbnail biography of Hunt for LGBT website The Bilerico Project. Take a look at it here!

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The Great Queer Migration Myth

This weekend, I am going to the house where I grew up for the last time before our family sells it. I have been surprised at the depth of my feelings of loss. I wonder how much my experience of growing up queer there intensifies the transition.

The house is a brick colonial in Rust Belt suburbia, on a street canopied by maple trees. A great place to be a kid, wearing whirligig maple keys on the end of your nose. Not such a great place to be, shall we say, a righteous babe.

Read the rest of this post on the bilerico project!

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Now Blogging at The Bilerico Project!

I’m so excited to be a new regular contributor to excellent LGBTQ blog The Bilerico Project! See my first post here!

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