Happy 43rd Anniversary of Stonewall!

Happy pride! Please enjoy my eyewitness account from the Stonewall Inn on the night gay marriage came to New York state, now in the Indypendent! “Does Gay Marriage Endanger Queer Community?” While gay marriage is a great step forward for many families, let us never forget that we are family.

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Freudberg Interview Cited in NY Times

How exciting! The New York Times quoted and cited my interview with Judy Freudberg in her obituary. The interview was also utilized by the Hollywood Reporter; After Ellen; and MSN TV news. I’m so glad to help people appreciate Freudberg’s life and work.

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Judy Freudberg, 1949-2012

Sometimes, writing a biography can send you on a social scavenger hunt. That’s how I discovered Judy Freudberg, a longtime Sesame Street writer who died on Monday at the age of 63.

Judy Freudberg worked at Sesame Street for nearly forty years – from 1971 to 2010. She began as a production assistant, then became a Sesame writer in 1975, going on to write countless Muppet sketches, Sesame’s anniversary special 20 And Still Counting and many segments of “Elmo’s World”, of which she was head writer. Outside of the Muppets, she and Tony Geiss co-wrote the Steven Spielberg animated movies A Land Before Time and An American Tail.

I interviewed Freudberg for the Richard Hunt biography in August 2010, at a Greek diner near Manhattan’s Columbus Circle. She looked classy and casual, cheerful and quick to laugh. She had a Peter Pan youthfulness despite having just turned 60. Here are excerpts from our talk. Continue reading

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Vito Russo: The Celluloid Activist

Inspired by the renewed energy of the 25th anniversary of ACT-UP/NY? A great place to start learning about that history is Michael Schiavi’s excellent biography of ACT-UP co-founder Vito Russo, a finalist for gay memoir/biography in next month’s Lambda Awards. Read my review of the biography at the Bilerico Project.

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Thoughts on the Anniversary of Sakia Gunn

Today is the ninth anniversary of the murder of Sakia Gunn. I’m both vexed and intrigued that what I wrote then, “Thoughts on the Murder of Sakia Gunn”, still seems so relevant — particularly when we consider the recent case of CeCe McDonald. Continue reading

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“Affirming the Outsider’s Eye: Adrienne Rich’s Legacy”

Please enjoy my full-page Adrienne Rich essay in the latest issue of the Indypendent!

This piece is very special to me, not just because Rich is one of my role models, but also because it allows me to graft two branches of my writing/editing career. I was a member of the Indypendent editorial collective from 2001 to 2003, working on nearly every aspect of bringing the paper to life: developing content; writing, researching and soliciting pieces; editing; and of course proofreading the whole thing meticulously. And from 1999 to 2007, I did much of the same work as an editorial collective member (and poetry editor from 2005-07) of Bridges: a Jewish Feminist Journal, co-founded in 1990 by Adrienne Rich. It’s an honor to bring these two projects together.

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